Thursday, January 5, 2012

New Year's Resolution

Since today is Jan. 5th I guess my first resolution will be to not procrastinate.
There are several things in my life that I would like to improve on and make changes to, and if I keep my first resolution I will accomplish this. Most importantly I would like to grow spiritually, and here are 10 steps that I am going to take this year to do that...

1. Read through the the Bible in one year. (I started this a few months ago, but I am behind...stop procrastinating!)
2. Choose one book of the Bible to study in depth.
3. Study a specific topic and set an attainable goal that will help me grow.
4. Participate in a weekly Bible study. (Wednesday night service & Ladies meeting)
5. Read 3-4 books to deepen my devotional life. (What I am reading right now...Calm My Anxious Heart: A Woman's Guide to Finding Contentment by Linda Dillow)
6. Participate in a weekly prayer group.
7. Start a journal to record growth
- thoughts while reading the Bible
- prayer
- what I am asking God for
- actions I am taking to follow after him
- new discoveries
8. Record blessings, prayer requests, answered prayers.
Prayers of thanks and praise
9. Mentor a young Christian
10.Pick a theme verse for the year *Repeat Daily* (Tape to the bathroom mirror or say out loud every morning)
After several months if verse is learned pick another verse.

What New Year's Resolution have you made in 2012?

1 comment:

  1. I would like to be more organized. I think that will help me reach a lot of goals including the list you have posted to grow in my christian life. I'm reading "Living Beyond Your Feelings: Controlling Emotions - So They Don't Control You" by Joyce Meyers.
