Wednesday, April 17, 2013

21st Century Baby

I have been neglecting writing, along with other things. I have some drafts of posts I have started, but have not finished them. One was when Jayna was about 3 1/2 months old and starting to teeth. So I was writing a blog post about teething...well as you can see I never finished it and now my baby girl is 5 months old. Oh how the time flies! I will blame the blogger app on my iPad, because I was having difficulty with pictures, and basically just gave up and put it off. I made a promise to my self to do better.

So what does the title mean...well my baby has an email address. That's right I created Jayna an e-mail account a few months ago. Before you start thinking I am so sleep deprived that I have finally lost my mind, hear me out. I am always thinking of things that I want to write down and remember, or things I want to tell her when she is older, but I do not always have a pen and paper handy. I am keeping up with her baby book, but again it is not always in arms reach and sometimes I have forgotten a lot by the time I sit down and write in it. Plus the baby book has more specific questions instead of just free space. Also pictures are all digital these days, and it takes a lot less effort to send them electronically than to print and paste in a book...Am I lazy or what. As pathetic as it may be my iPad is usually pretty close by, so I thought that I would create Jayna an email account and send her messages of cute things she does, memories, and pictures. I sent this info to other members of her family just incase at some point they may want to write her a little note, a birthday wish, etc. I will not read any messages or use her account. It is strictly for her, and when she is older I will let her know about it just as I will give her, her baby book. She will have a record of all kinds of special memories throughout the years.

*the picture is just for show, she doesn't actually sit like that and play with my iPad :)


  1. Well, you know she uses your iPad all the time. She has made some of the most beautiful art pieces I have ever seen. LOL

  2. what a neat idea! I wish I could go back in time and do that for my boys!
