Wednesday, February 22, 2012


We are lovin our NEW home, but believe it or not there are still some places in America without cell phone service and/or Internet connection. Good news: The phone company says that Internet will be coming soon...what they consider "soon" we do not know

- We are officially moved into our new home, but not all the way unpacked...workin on it
- Aaron started a new job here at home so no more PA...gettin back to a normal routine
- I have started my internship so that I can graduate in May with a BA in Psychology...hello workin world
- Cocoa and Bentley are lovin the new house and fenced in yard...they needed the exercise

Busy, Busy, Busy! Oh where did those carefree, lesiurly days go...needin a vacation

BUT all is well, we are BLESSED...happy and healthy and simply livin'