Thursday, January 31, 2013

Today, I will hold my BABY

Yes, today I will stop, breathe, and hold my baby. In fact I am typing this with one hand as my sleeping baby rests peacefully in my arms. I feel like I am constantly in GO, GO, GO mode. There is always 101 things to do, even more so now with the new baby. I look at my 2 1/2 month old from head to toe and try to memorize every feature because she is continually changing. As she napped this morning I worked in her room, putting the clothes she has outgrown away, and replacing with the next size up. Using up the last of the size 1 diapers and graduating to size 2. Washing teething rings and toys because she's ready to play! I realized that she has grown SO much SO fast, and she continues to grow and change at what feels like warp speed. Do not fear I WILL continue to cook to feed my wonderful husband and myself, I WILL take care of Cocoa & Bentley, and I WILL keep my house in some order. But I will try not to rush, or obsess over every little thing. Jayna will only be little once. We will never have this day again. She won't always want me to sit and hold her and kiss her chubby little cheeks. She won't always hold my finger in her tiny hand. She won't always stare into my eyes like I am the most important person in her tiny little world. So one day when she breaks away from Mommy I will remember this day when I stopped to hold my baby.

Thursday, January 3, 2013

A New Year

2013 - We are a happy, healthy, blessed family of 5...didn't think Aaron and I would forget Cocoa & Bentley did you ;)

Oh how time flies! My last post I was almost 6 months pregnant and now my baby girl is almost 2 months old.

So what have I been up to...well pregnancy, labor & delivery, recovery, adjusting to life with a newborn...Oh yeah and the holidays, yep that  just about sums it up. My pregnancy went really well. No unbearable symptoms or complications until my last few weeks and lets just say I swelled out like puffer fish.

At 39 weeks my doctor decided that because of the swelling and high blood pressure I should be induced. Although I was completely against induction and all unnecessary medical procedures and stuff like that in the beginning, due to the health concerns at my weekly visit it was time for baby Hatfield to meet the world.

I went to the hospital on Nov. 14th and Baby Girl Hatfield was born Nov. 15th, 2012 @ 9:49 AM. Best day of our lives!
Jayna Leigh Hatfield, 6 lbs 15.5 oz., 21 in. (Actually 19.5 in. after her head rounded out)

New Year's Resolution: lose my mommy marsupial pouch, be more productive, organized, efficient, frugal, and thankful.