Tuesday, July 24, 2012

22 Weeks, 5 Days

It has been a while and a lot has been going on. First of all we decided to find out the sex of the baby...It's A Girl! I am about 5.5 months pregnant, and this is my first child so I am experiencing everything for the first time. It is wonderful, a little crazy now and again, but absolutely wonderful! Speaking of the interesting things that go on during pregnancy: I woke up about 5AM and could not go back to sleep, thanks to that big slice of homemade pizza I ate for dinner around 8PM. Heartburn was in full swing! My hands felt tight and I was so thirsy (thanks salt and simple carbs), and I'll just be honest I had a touch of some bloating going on. So I guess it is my turn to have some prego symptoms. I never was sick, and really haven't had any symptoms until now. I stumbled to the kitchen and took 2 Tums. If you know me you know I absolutely hate to take anything, especially if it is chewable and tastes like chalk. I bought a bottle about my 3rd month, because anyone who has ever been pregnant tells you horror stories and I had heard of the "Dreaded Heartburn!" I guess my heartburn wasn't that bad on the scale, I just needed to sit up, but for someone who has never really had it before it was bad for me. I am very thankful I had them. They have been sitting on a shelf above my kitchen sink for 2 months unopened, and they finally made their debut in my 1st pregnancy. Although I will try to eat a little better and avoid the "Dreaded Heartburn!" from now on. I am also thankful my heartburn has subsided, and I am awake past the point of return, so I guess our day starts a little earlier today. Our's meaning me + baby, and Bentley. He is my little shadow and is wherever I am. Asleep on the couch beside me as I speak. Cocoa on the other hand doesn't get out of bed before 930AM for any reason short of fire or visitor knocking on the door. Maybe I have gotten this earlier start because I am to get more accomplished today, or possible the same amount and an afternoon nap. We shall see...