Tuesday, February 19, 2013

Housewife Pet Peeves

10. You get asked what's for dinner before the breakfast dishes are dry.
9. Laundry is a never ending battle. It grows exponentially!
8. Coats, hats, and shoes junking up the entry way. 3 per person.
7. Don't forget to scrape those plates and check those pockets! Food left on dishes, well that is just gross. And the pockets...I learned the hard way. Receipts turned into a crumbled paper mess all over clothes and in the lint tray, an hour spent scraping bubble gum out of the dryer, and last but not least, a dryer drum stripped in blue ball point pen. I repeat CHECK THOSE POCKETS! Sometimes you get lucky and find money...finders keepers I say.
6.Things seem to stop short of their final destination. If dishes and/or dirty laundry do manage to not be left all around the house they do not make it all the way.They end up on the counter beside the sink or in the floor by the hamper.
5. Mom is the only one that can declare something trash. This includes but is not limited to: shampoo/conditioner/body wash bottles, paper towel & toilet paper rolls, anything that is empty in the fridge, and sometimes actual TRASH. Bottles, cans, wrappers, etc.
4. The Navigational system of the home. Yes we know exactly where everything is in the entire house, so just ask I will direct you the quickest route possible. (Sometimes I provide the scenic tour for my amusement only)
3. Continuation of #4. Stuff does not get put back where it came from. Everything has a place, but we are the only ones that know that.
2. Hair! It is everywhere, especially when you have enough for 3 heads like I do. You may think I am gross or even crazy, but if you do not know what I am talking about then try to clean your bathroom and not leave one strand of hair. Yes it can be done, but it is frustrating none-the-less. You can sweep, mop, dust, vacuum, get on your hands and knees and wipe, wipe, wipe...it shall return.
1. "You're a stay-at-home mom. What do you do all day?"
PLEASE do no insult me by asking this question or even thinking it. Trust me I do plenty. In fact I never get accomplished everything on the "to do" list and it carries over to the following day. And NO I do not sit and eat bon-bon's, talk on the phone (well I guess its Facebook now), and watch soap operas all day. My work is never finished, no weekends, no holiday's, no vacation days. I am a cook, a baker, a housekeeper, a nurse, a teacher, an accountant, a manager, an organizer, a planner, Mrs. fix-it, a chauffeur, and a locator of stuff. Most importantly I am a MOM, and that is the best job in the world. I get to spend the day taking care of my baby. Playing with her, teaching her, and watching her grow. Do not get me wrong, I do not look down on any working mother; therefore do not judge me for staying home. Some may choose to work and some may have to work. Thankfully I have the luxury of staying home, and I love it.

I guess you don't have to be a housewife or a stay-at-home mom to have some pet peeves. And I have plenty of flaws myself so we won't even go there. I applaud those who work and take care of their children and home. I also commend mothers with more than one child, because my 3 month old keeps me hopping. I am very thankful for my job, my family, and my home. These are all in good fun (except for #2 & #1 they really do irk me).

*no husbands or children were harmed in the making of this blog post.

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